You are seen, valued and loved.
About Project: Educate & Advocate
Stars Within Inclusive Dance aims to create a safe space for all, including people with disabilities, to feel respected and represented. Through Project Educate & Advocate, we hope to educate and spread social awareness of the uniqueness we have in our community.
Social change through creativity
Sure, we may not be able to change the world but hey, anything is better than nothing. Teachers, even dance teachers, are agents of social change. Our plan is to use our platform and engage with key bodies to educate not only ourselves but the greater community and develop strategies for how we as dancers and teachers can assist and use dance as a form of therapy for people with diverse needs.
We aim to increase collaboration between our students and local artists, learn how movement and dance can bring a community together all while removing the stigma and stereotypes around people with disabilities and highlighting their talents. Let’s show everyone what you can do.
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